Sunday, 9 November 2014


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Hurghada has become one of the most famous tourist destinations in Egypt and the Middle East for tourists, while gaining a similar reputation when lovers of this type of tourism resorts for the rest of the tourists from around the world, has Hurghada gained such a large reputation in just a few years, due mainly to two things: firstly is to discover the tourist and aesthetic value of Hurghada, which is unprecedented second thing is the availability of tourist and sports facilities very quickly and fantastic levels in this region.

Hurghada is characterized by its temperate climate throughout the year and the availability of all the capabilities to practice hobbies fishing and underwater fishing and diving in all its types. Hurghada has been established with the discovery of oil in the region in 1913 and the development of tourism activities by becoming one of the largest tourist cities in the world.

It is located 385 km south of Suez and is famous for its fishing Asmal shark Albrkuda- Abuhraa - Abu Seif - whites - Qarouk - Morgan ... etc. The fish reefs are visible under the water, and some of them lose Alonh as soon as he came out of the water, is the starting point for adventures underwater fishing where fishing centers available and scuba diving.


- Mount smoke raised Roman, 65 km to the north.
- Aquatic Museum, 4 km north of the port of Hurghada.
- Coral reefs.

What to see:

- And led the bathrooms.
- Deir Anba Antaonius.
- The monastery of St. Paula.
- The tomb and mosque of Abu Hassan El Shazly.

Red Sea Islands:

There are about 24 island enjoys an environment of plant and animal on the surface of the most important: -

- Aquamarine Island in front of Bernice Coast.
- Big Island Giftun Giftun small in front of the coast of Hurghada.
- Oeumangar island in front of the Sheraton Hurghada.
- Shidwan island in front of the coast of Hurghada.

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