Sunday 9 November 2014

lmofh Moroccan country and nature tourism

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lmofh Moroccan country and nature tourism

Unique landscapes, Morocco benefited from its position in the African continent and its openness to the Mediterranean Sea and belonging to the Arab nation to be the host for many of the tourists from the country's various races. Arab country is characterized by the diversity of terrain between the mountains and the hills and seas and made him a global tourist destination landscapes. So we will give you the 10 most important areas for tourism landscape in Morocco

Fran Switzerland or Morocco tiny Mediterranean mountains are a magnet for tourists Bashlaladtha water green and scenic nature area. Characterized by bitter cold ovens and snow covering the slopes of the mountains in the fall and winter and mild air in the summer and spring.

How to reach Ifrane? To go to the city of Fez, was launched by taxi, which cost about six dollars, you can also B into place.

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